
LDR Bikin Baper

Hi cantikku, Inneke.
Waduh, LDR kali ini sumpah ngerasa jauh banget. Tapi masih percaya lah, yang baik pasti nyusul. Kalo kamu baca nih. Sorry banget nih, jahat pasti lah, aku kalo ga jahat yaaa.... rada gimana gitu. Hahaha. Tapi sumpah, you're always be thought by my mind even I'm deadly sleepy as a corpse because I love you, and I do... I love the way I'm loving you which means I love you as I love my own body and my own soul too. I'll marry you. That's a promise.

Abis nulis buat Inneke, sekarang aku nulis buat aku. Hehe...
Malam ini, I got doomed by my beloved one. Holy shit. What a surprise.

Manis toh pacarku? Aku dilaguin men. Hahahahaha. Langsung aja cek itu lagu, aku ketik di youtube "Like a Fool" - Keira Knightley, Then.... Here's what I heard:


Like a Fool
by Keira Knightley

We take a chance from time to time
And put our necks out on the line
And you have broken every promise that we made
And I have loved you anyway

Took a fine time to leave me hangin' out to dry
Understand now I'm greivin'
So don't you waste my time
'Cause you have taken
All the wind out from my sails
And I have loved you just the same

We finally find this
then you're gone
Been chasin' rainbows all along
And you have cursed me
When there's no one left to blame
And I have loved you just the same

And you have broken every single fucking rule
And I have loved you like a fool


Oh man, berhenti nih nafas. Emang bener cewe selalu bener, men. Tapi bukan itu pointku. Mungkin stereotype pacar (cowo) yang baik itu musti tindakan real kali ya. Contohnya nih,

Hunny, aku ada sesuatu.
Oh makasih, bagus banget bunganya.

Hunny, liat deh nih.
Uhhh.... makasih ya sayang. Yang aku perluin buat skripsi udah kamu siapin. Makasih, makasih.


Ribet kali jadi manusia yang baik ya. Show off dulu, baru dapet nilai plus. Kalo model gitu ya minus terus aku punya nilai dimata orang. Hahahaha. I have to revise what I suppose to be. I have not to enjoy what myself is. I have to be someone else. This's the pity of me. But that's ok. Hahahaha.

Buat temen-temen yang baca, kadang banyak orang disekitar kita yang perhatian sama kita, tapi sering kita lupain, jadi jangan sampe ya. Sebelum kita musti perhatiin diri sendiri. Hehehe.

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